Ingredients for 6 (24cm diameter) wraps;
25g psyllium husk (trace)
50g almond powder (2.45g)
8 eggs (4g)
100g parmesan (trace)
Garlic powder to taste - half tsp (trace)
Half tsp dried herbs (trace)
Mix all ingredients in a blender. Spoon 1/6 into a tin (I used a 24cm quiche tin), cook at 180℃ for 8 mins. Remove from tin, repeat with the other 5 (unless you've got a large oven and lots of tins, then you can cook all at once).
Fill with whatever takes your fancy (count the carbs). I filled mine with minced beef, garden courgettes/french beans and mushrooms. Add a grated cheese or keto sauce of your choice (I'm going to try tzatziki and smoked salmon next). Enjoy!
Look good