A typical day....13g carbs, 3355 calories, 298g fat!

I see sooooo many people claiming the 'rules' of CICO (calories in calories out) must be followed if you want to lose weight.... 🤦

Well, here's a typical day of my eating, I'm now 100+ pounds LIGHTER than when I was trying to calorie control 😉
Just to add, due to bilateral knee injuries (3rd degree meniscus and patella ligament tears, bipartite patella and osteosclorosis), I was starting to struggle with the stairs (aged 39 😱 ), my Dr had told me at any point I felt ready, she would send me for surgery, as the injuries were obviously VERY painful.
This meant my weight loss was WITHOUT exercise!

Totals for the day;
13g carbs, 3355 calories, 298g fat.

Breakfast, 1.36g carbs, 527 calories, 57.5g fat!
Bullet proof coffee: 1 large coffee, 25g butter, 25g coconut oil, 40ml heavy cream.
25g butter = 0g carbs, 185 calories, 20.5g fat.
25g coconut oil = 0g carbs, 225 calories, 25g fat.
40ml heavy cream = 1.36g carbs, 117 calories, 12g fat.

Lunch, 3.4g carbs, 1631 calories, 139g fat.
Main course: 2x beef burgers (2x125g), 2 fried eggs, 50g brie, 25g butter for cooking.
Dessert = 50g cheddar, 1 double choc keto bar, large black coffee.
2 burgers (from the butcher) = trace carbs, 500 calories, 37.5g fat.
2 (average) eggs = 1g carbs, 144 calories, 9.6g fat.
50g brie = trace carbs, 175 calories, 15.5g fat.
25g butter = 0 carbs, 185 calories, 20.5g fat.
50g cheddar = trace carbs, 205 calories, 17.2g fat.
Double choc keto bar = 2.4g carbs, 420 calories, 38.7g fat.

Dinner, 8.2g carbs, 1197 calories, 101.4g fat.
Main cours: Prawn and mushroom stir fry.
Dessert: 100g cheese, 50ml heavy cream, 30g frozen raspberries.
Drink = 500ml of either diet coke or sparkling water.
200g tiger/king prawns = 0g carbs, 130 calories, 0.4g fat.
100g button mushrooms = 0.3g carbs, 8 calories, trace fat.
50g green pepper = 1g carbs, 9 calories, trace fat.
75g shredded cabbage = 3g carbs, 27 calories, trace fat.
25ml olive oil = 0 carbs, 205 calories, 22.5g fat.
40g butter (cooking) = 0 carbs, 297 calories, 33g fat.
25ml apple cider vinegar = trace carbs, trace calories, 0g fat.

Cheese (50g brie, 50g cantal) = 0.9g carbs, 361 calories, 30.5g fat.
Heavy cream = 1.7g carbs, 147 calories, 15g fat.
30g frozen raspberries = 1.3g carbs, 13.5 calories, 0g fat.
Drink = 0g carbs, trace/2 calories, 0g fat.

Before anyone jumps in to tell me the amount of fat I'm eating is bad, check out this study;

Or that I should eat more fibre;

Or that red meat causes cancer;

And yes, I am still breastfeeding my (almost) 3.5 year old, as it IS perfectly safe to do so whilst on keto/in ketosis;
